The Truth About Health: Uncovering the Root Causes of Disease and Premature Death

I recently had the privilege of speaking at the Ron Paul Institute, addressing a room full of courageous individuals who are standing up for truth and freedom in these challenging times. It was an honor to share my insights and passion for health with such an engaged audience.

You can listen to my speech in its entirety above, as I share the culmination of my decades of research into the true causes of disease and premature death, along with groundbreaking insights that can transform your health and longevity.

The Courage to Stand Up for Truth

I began by acknowledging the bravery of those in attendance. As an example, I highlighted Mike, the event’s recording technician, who lost his job for refusing to take the COVID jab. This kind of courage is exactly what we need more of in society today.

For over 50 years, I’ve been passionately pursuing the truth about health and technology. This journey has led me to write 18 bestselling books and build one of the world’s largest natural health websites. However, my work has also made me a target of the mainstream media and medical establishment.

As I shared with the audience, the biggest honor I ever achieved in my life was being named the No. 1 source of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. While said somewhat tongue-in-cheek, this “honor” underscores how threatening truthful information is to those controlling the narrative.

The Corruption of Modern Medicine

Let me be clear: modern medicine has been hijacked. It’s controlled primarily by pharmaceutical companies and has been thoroughly corrupted, tracing back to the influence of John D. Rockefeller. Medical schools teach doctors to follow rigid protocols focused on diagnosing conditions and prescribing medications or surgical interventions, without addressing the true, foundational causes of disease.

Society is now so reliant on pharmaceuticals that 6.3 billion prescriptions are filled every year in the U.S. That’s 17 prescriptions per year for every American.1 These pharmaceuticals are not improving public health, however. Despite spending $4.5 trillion annually on health care,2 the U.S. has some of the worst health outcomes among developed nations.

The Unified Theory of Cellular Health

The core of my speech focused on what I call the unified theory of health. This theory, which I’ve developed over decades and detail in my upcoming book “Your Guide to Cellular Health,” explains why people get sick and die prematurely.

The fundamental issue is that your cells are not producing enough energy. This energy, in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), is critical for every function in your body. Without energy, your cells can’t repair and regenerate themselves.

Our bodies produce energy through a fascinating process that starts with the sun. The sun’s energy is converted into chemical bonds in our food, which we then break down and transport to our cells. Inside our cells, we have these incredible structures called mitochondria — they’re like tiny power plants.

These mitochondria produce ATP, which is basically the energy currency of our bodies. To give a sense of scale, a healthy person produces about 200 million quadrillion ATP molecules per second — that’s a two followed by 21 zeros. If you were to weigh all the ATP molecules you produce in a day, it would be roughly equivalent to your body weight. However, that’s if you’re healthy. In reality, most people are only making half their body weight in ATP daily.

The Three Major Threats to Cellular Energy

So why aren’t we producing enough energy? There are three primary factors decimating our cellular energy production:

1. Seed oils (vegetable oils) — I cannot overstate the damage caused by the consumption of processed seed oils, which are ubiquitous in the modern diet. These oils, high in linoleic acid, wreak havoc on your mitochondria. I even called out the catering at the event itself, noting that nearly everything served was damaging to mitochondrial health — including alcohol, which is a mitochondrial poison.

2. Plastics — The proliferation of plastics in our environment is another major threat. I shared a startling projection. By 2060, it’s anticipated that we will be producing 1.3 billion tons of plastic annually.3

These plastics last for hundreds of years and are incredibly dangerous because they disrupt our hormonal systems, particularly by activating estrogen receptors. This leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and contributes to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity and other chronic diseases.

3. Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) — The rapid increase in EMF exposure from wireless technologies is the third major threat to your cellular health. EMFs, like seed oils and plastics, increase calcium ion concentrations within your cells, leading to the production of damaging free radicals.

The Gut-Mitochondria Connection

Another critical piece of the health puzzle is the relationship between mitochondrial function and gut health. When mitochondria are damaged, they can’t properly remove oxygen from your intestines. This allows harmful bacteria to flourish, producing endotoxins that further damage your health.

A thriving intestinal ecosystem encompasses a wide range of microorganisms that collaborate to safeguard your health. Cultivating beneficial oxygen-intolerant bacteria, including key species such as Akkermansia, enhances your gut’s defense mechanisms and creates an environment conducive to overall well-being.

These advantageous bacteria break down dietary fibers to generate short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), particularly butyrate. Butyrate serves as nourishment for your colon’s epithelial cells, fortifying the intestinal barrier. SCFAs also encourage mucin production, establishing a protective layer against harmful bacteria.

A decrease in oxygen-intolerant bacteria results in heightened intestinal permeability, commonly known as leaky gut. This condition allows toxins, partially digested food particles and harmful microbes to penetrate your bloodstream, initiating systemic inflammation and long-term health complications.

Oxygen-intolerant bacteria play a crucial role in transforming indigestible plant fibers into beneficial fats. They flourish in an oxygen-free environment, which necessitates sufficient cellular energy to maintain. However, the factors mentioned above — seed oil consumption, exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in plastics and EMFs — hinder this energy production, making it challenging to sustain the ideal oxygen-free gut environment.

Further, in my opinion, a primary cause of death is endotoxemia leading to septic shock. This occurs when endotoxin is secreted by facultative anaerobes, also referred to as oxygen-tolerant bacteria, which should not be present in your gut.

These pathogenic bacteria produce a highly potent form of endotoxin, or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which triggers inflammation if it crosses your compromised gut barrier into systemic circulation. Consequently, leaky gut or an imbalanced microbiome is one of the fundamental causes underlying all diseases.

The Path Forward: We Will Win

Despite the grim picture painted by these health threats, we will ultimately prevail in this battle for health freedom and truth. Regarding the censorship and suppression I and many others have faced from tech giants like Google, their power is waning. In a lawsuit, the U.S. Department of Justice declared Google a monopoly,4 and there’s going to be an avalanche of additional lawsuits against them.

This creates an opportunity for new, more ethical technologies to emerge. I’m at the forefront of developing AI tools that will revolutionize how we access and interact with health information.

This system will leverage cutting-edge technology to make personalized, evidence-based health guidance accessible to billions of people around the world. I’m particularly excited about the AI-powered system we’re developing that will allow individuals to engage in real-time, personalized conversations about their health, drawing from the vast body of scientific literature.

This technology has the potential to revolutionize not just health care, but education as a whole. It’s a one-to-one, individualized approach that will transform how we learn and understand complex information. I want to emphasize how crucial it is for you to take control of your own health. This starts with understanding what you’re putting into your body, particularly through diet.

A Movement for True Health

My speech at the Ron Paul Institute was an opportunity to share the culmination of my life’s work in health and technology. The enthusiasm and engagement from the audience reinforced my belief that we are on the cusp of a health revolution.

By understanding the true causes of disease — particularly the threats to our cellular energy production — and leveraging new technologies to spread this knowledge, we can create a world where vibrant health is the norm, not the exception.

I left the event more motivated than ever to continue this fight for health freedom and truth. Together, we can and will transform the landscape of health and medicine, empowering individuals to take control of their well-being and live life to its fullest potential.

Our goals are ambitious. We’re not just talking about health care — we’re talking about replacing plastics with biodegradable alternatives, destroying industrial agriculture and completely transforming our food system. Because at the end of the day, food is medicine. Remember, knowledge is power, but only when it’s applied.

Take what you’ve learned here, dive deeper into the resources I’ve mentioned and start taking control of your health today. Also, keep an eye out for my book “Your Guide to Cellular Health,” which will be released in October. Together, we can create a healthier, more vibrant world — one person, one cell, one mitochondrion at a time.

The Revolutionary Path to Healing and Longevity

“Your Guide to Cellular Health: Unlocking the Science of Longevity and Joy” is not just a manual — it’s your passport to a revolution in personal wellness. This comprehensive guide will empower you with life-changing knowledge to help unlock your body’s innate healing abilities and achieve lasting vitality. This isn’t about quick fixes or temporary solutions. It’s about fundamentally transforming your health at its very foundation — your cells.

One of the many paradigm-shifting concepts that I explored in-depth throughout the book is a revolutionary approach to carbohydrate consumption that may challenge your preconceptions. In the follow section, I’ll give you a glimpse of this groundbreaking content.

Keep in mind that this represents only a fraction of the innovative strategies and insights waiting for you in the full text. Let this serve as a tantalizing preview of the transformative knowledge you’ll learn in this book.

Carbs Made Simple: A Color-Coded System to Guide Your Gut Health Journey

The method that I discuss in my book ranks carbohydrates based on their impact on your biology, specifically in relation to your gut health. This approach recognizes that the traditional complex vs. simple carb dichotomy likely does not tell the whole story when it comes to individual health outcomes.

Instead, it suggests that the relationship between your gut health and carbohydrate metabolism could be key to unlocking improved overall wellness. It’s not about following a one-size-fits-all diet, but rather about understanding how your unique gut biology interacts with different types of carbohydrates.

Surprisingly, for many people, this approach favors simple carbs over complex ones. This is because they usually have less-than-optimal gut health. If you have a compromised gut system and you consume complex carbs, the fiber and prebiotics in these carbs can feed oxygen-tolerant gut bacteria and worsen your symptoms.

The following chart breaks down several types of carbohydrate sources and how they fit into this plan. We can categorize them into three groups: green, yellow and red.

carbohydrate sources

In the green category are the most easily digestible simple carbs that provide quick energy without overtaxing your compromised digestive system. You will focus on these carbs initially, because simple carbs provide a quick energy boost for your cells and mitochondria. It’s like giving your body’s energy factories an immediate fuel injection, while allowing your gut to rest and heal at the same time.

Next is the yellow category, which includes carbs that offer more nutrients and fiber compared to the green category, yet are still relatively easy on the digestive system. Finally the red category, the most complex carbs, offers many health benefits but can be challenging for a compromised gut to handle.

So how can you begin implementing this approach? If you have severely compromised gut health, start with pure sugar water. This is a temporary measure to jumpstart the healing process. Mix one-half pound, up to a full pound, of pure dextrose (glucose) into a half gallon of water and sip it slowly all day. Don’t drink more than an ounce at a time to avoid spiking your insulin.

Once your gut health has improved, you can switch your primary carb source to whole foods. More than likely, you’ll also need to eat more frequently than you’re used to during this transition to avoid hypoglycemia. Eating every three to four hours, with snacks throughout the day, is crucial when relying on simple carbs for energy.

As your mitochondrial energy production continues to improve and your gut starts to heal, you will begin the transition back to complex carbs. This is a slow and steady process — don’t rush it.

Once you’re able to include more complex carbohydrates in your diet, you’ll start to notice significant benefits. You’ll be able to extend the time between meals to between four and six hours, and many people find they can comfortably switch to a three-meals-a-day approach. This is because complex carbs digest more slowly, providing a steady stream of energy.

Are You Ready to Revolutionize Your Understanding of Health and Vitality?

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This innovative approach to carbohydrate consumption is just a small taste of the groundbreaking concepts introduced in my new book. The ideas presented here are part of a larger framework designed to revolutionize your understanding of health and nutrition. The book goes far deeper into these concepts, offering a wealth of information that challenges conventional wisdom and provides practical strategies for optimizing your health.

“Your Guide to Cellular Health” is backed by nearly 2,600 references, most from papers published in the 2020s. Each reference includes links to the full-text original papers, empowering you to explore the studies firsthand and draw your own conclusions.

By reading the full book, you’ll gain access to a treasure trove of cutting-edge knowledge and innovative approaches that have the potential to transform your health in ways you might never have imagined possible.

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