Sleepwalking and Insomnia: What’s the Connection?

May 9, 2023 – Is there a link between sleepwalking and the sleep disorder insomnia?  Sleepwalking, also called somnambulism, affects approximately 4% of the U.S. population on a regular basis – although many more people may not be aware they do it. (Sleepwalking is classified as a parasomnia, or abnormal behavior while you’re asleep.) Sleepwalking can … Read more

Should All U.S. Newborns Undergo Genomic Testing?

By Cara Murez  HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, May 9, 2023 (HealthDay News) — While newborns are only screened for about 60 treatable conditions, there are hundreds of genetic disorders that have targeted treatments. Now, a national survey of experts in rare diseases found the vast majority support DNA sequencing in healthy newborns. Testing, surveillance and treatment … Read more

Federal Task Force Suggest Mammograms Start at 40, Not 50

May 9, 2023 – Women should start being screened for breast cancer at age 40 instead of waiting until 50, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force said Tuesday in a draft recommendation statement. The critical change in age for mammograms also includes the recommendations for screening every other year and sets a cutoff age of … Read more

Runner Molly Seidel on Making Strides With her ADHD

In part three of our three-part series, Olympic medalist Molly Seidel, she talks about working on her mental health every day. Molly Seidel knows a thing or two about the work it takes to succeed: She is one of only three American women to medal in the Olympics marathon.  After receiving her ADHD diagnosis and … Read more

Doctors Urged to Minimize Their Own Weight Bias and Stigma

May 10, 2023 – Health care professionals should check their own biases about their patients’ weight, a leading group of experts said this week.  The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology makes recommendations aimed at reducing weight bias, or negative ideas about excess body weight, as well as weight stigma, defined as thoughts and acts of discrimination … Read more

FDA Advisers Recommend Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pills

May 10, 2023 — Advisors from the FDA made strides today toward approving the country’s first over-the-counter birth control pill, voting unanimously that widening the pill’s availability would provide more benefits than harm.  The FDA approval of the oral contraceptive Opill – a 0.075mg daily tablet also called the “mini pill” as it only contains … Read more

U.S. Will Fund Study of Safe Injection Sites Despite Pushback

May 17, 2023 – Jose Martinez spent several years unhoused, jobless, and trapped in a cycle of addiction to synthetic marijuana – a lab-created drug that affected his mind and behavior and is dangerous and sometimes deadly. His life changed when the Bronx, NY, resident began recovery in 2017, which he credits in large part … Read more

Trends I See in Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment

By Elizabeth Ortiz, MD, as told to Janie McQueen Understanding of Psoriatic Arthritis Has Improved I’ve seen a big increase in our understanding of psoriatic arthritis just in my time in practice. This has resulted in more specific treatments but also our ability to make a more rapid diagnosis. There are no specific blood tests … Read more

Surgery Beats Targeted Radiation for Early Stage Lung Cancer

By Dennis Thompson  HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, May 10, 2023 (HealthDay News) — More patients are choosing radiation therapy over surgery to treat their early-stage lung cancer, but a new study argues they might be making a mistake. People who are good surgical candidates for lung cancer appear to have a five-year survival rate that’s 15 … Read more