Feeling exhausted and lethargic after playing Holi? With these methods, you can obtain instantaneous energy.

Holi is a joyous and enthusiastic holiday. Applying colours to one another, eating foods and sweets, and sharing love distinguish this celebration in numerous ways. Yet, after playing Holi in the morning, the body is completely exhausted by the afternoon. After playing Holi, you begin to feel drained. Actually, colours stimulate several chemical reactions in the body; in addition, we frequently neglect hydration when playing Holi, which can lead to extreme fatigue by evening.

Feeling exhausted and lethargic after playing Holi
Severe fatigue can occur in the body after playing Holi – Photo: iStock

During the celebration of Holi, health should not be neglected in any way, according to health experts. Those who are already afflicted with ailments require further attention. On the day of Holi, pay extra attention to diet and water so that the body remains energised throughout the day and the aftereffects of Holi can be mitigated. In the following slides, please describe how to regain energy after playing Holi by eliminating physical weariness.

Have nourishing food after playing Holi It

After playing Holi, it is common for the body to feel drowsy and exhausted. Playing with colours and running depletes the body’s vitality; hence, it is vital to consume a balanced food after playing Holi. For this, you can consume light foods, such as fruits and juices. Do not consume fatty or fried foods. Incorporate fruits high in fibre in your diet. By consuming foods like gramme, apple, papaya, buttermilk, etc., it is simple to energise the body.

Benefits of drinking lemon water

Taking care of the body’s fluids during and after Holi is vitally important. By doing so, the energy level may be maintained more effectively. The benefits of consuming lemon water after playing Holi are numerous. This will not only avoid dehydration in the body, but it will also aid in detoxification.

A little snooze is beneficial.

After playing Holi, take a shower, eat some nourishing foods, and then rest for half an hour. This little slumber might help revitalise the body. This medicine is beneficial for reducing weariness and lethargy and relaxing the body.

Tea-coffee will invigorate you.

Tea-coffee consumption can also be good for removing exhaustion and lethargy. These beverages include caffeine, which can assist you in lowering the sense of fatigue in your body. A cup of coffee can do a great deal to revive you. Yet, excessive caffeine consumption is considered hazardous to the body.

This article was built using data extracted from medical records.

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