Depression Treatment: Understand what depression is, its symptoms, and treatment options

According to an old proverb, a healthy body houses a healthy mind. Yet have you noticed that a healthy mind aids in the maintenance of a healthy body? In other words, these two things are connected. While it is common for us to either be apathetic to mental health or to want to conceal it by making it an embarrassment, we should not do so. In the same way that fever is treated with medication, mental illness must also be treated with medication. We Indians have many misconceptions, particularly around mental disorders. We categorise all mental states as insane. Owing to superstition, people undergo exorcisms yet fear seeing a doctor or counsellor, and most significantly, we do not consider mental disorders to be diseases. They should be taken for granted. With the proper treatment, conditions such as depression, which can be very normal, tend to deteriorate and reach severe levels. In many regions of the United States, it is still frowned upon to visit a psychiatrist or counsellor, or even to mention their names. The similar thing occurs with depression.

Depression Treatment
Depression – Photo: iStock

Require depression treatment:

The issue of depression is not a new one. However this issue is frequently overlooked. They believe that there is no need to give it importance; diverting attention away from it would suffice. Because depression consists solely of depression. If the patient receives treatment as soon as he recognises the symptoms of depression, suicides can be prevented on a wide scale, according to research. Yet, this is generally not the case. Currently, a portion of the population is aware of this issue, but they are also subject to numerous myths. So, it is essential to maintain accurate information and avoid confusion. Remember these few points.

Depression is not made up:

It is merely an excuse to dodge the truth. In reality, when doctors scan the brains of depressed patients, the chemicals that convey messages to the nerves appear to be out of balance. Hence, do not dismiss depression as a myth.

Do not compel any action:

Depression can sometimes be alleviated with the help of activity. Very occupied with artistic endeavours. Yet, excessive activity might sometimes result in issues. In early or mild episodes of depression, engaging in social work or artistic endeavours can be beneficial. However, doctors may urge patients with persistent depression to refrain from engaging in such activities for a while. Occasionally, excessive work output can also be an indication of clinical depression. In such a circumstance, the likelihood of the patient becoming more lonely and despondent increases. This is a typical symptom of depression, especially among men, who find it difficult to express and discuss their concerns.

Depression can affect any individual:

Many commonly assume that depression exclusively affects those who have endured suffering, however this is not the case. Despite having many resources and happiness, a person may experience emotional turmoil on occasion. Every day, we hear about a star or wealthy person who committed suicide due to depression in the news. Depression is a disorder that can affect both men and women of any age. Even in children. In some instances, it might also be inherited.

Many symptoms of depression exist:

Depression’s symptoms are not necessarily the same for everyone. Not only looking unhappy, sobbing, and appearing desperate are signs. Irritability, hostility, impatience, lack of focus, excessive eating or cessation of eating, a preference for solitude, excessive excitement, or utter silence may also be symptoms of depression. The person who appears entirely normal on the outside may be experiencing significant inner anguish.

Cooperate, support:

To recover from depression, the patient must receive treatment. It is also essential that he be surrounded by a healthy and good environment. The solution to this problem is spending time with friends, acquaintances, or family members who understand the patient’s condition, conversing, continuing with regular exercise and a healthy diet, attending regular counselling sessions, and receiving complete treatment, as well as building self-confidence. May prove amazing in its arrival. Hence, anytime you observe any signs in a person, give a helping hand; you never know when you might save a life.